Your online directory profile page is edited and maintained by you and your profile delegates.
Getting Started
Navigating to “Your Profile”
Go to the bottom of any page on the Public Health website (
Select "Update Your Profile" in the gray footer. A login prompt will open. Use your Pitt username to log in.
Select a Profile
Your profile is selected by default in the drop down menu. If you are a delegate editor, this menu will have additional names. Select a different name from the menu to edit an alternate profile.
Editing Your Profile
Your Profile consists of five tabs:
- General Info – Edit basic profile information
- Title(s)/Affiliation(s) – Edit positions (job title and affiliation)
- Additional Sections – Create and manage new sections of your profile
- Add/Remove Assistants – Manage assistants that are listed under your Contact information
- Add/Remove Delegates – Manage delegates that have the ability to edit your profile
More information for each tab is given below.
Viewing a Profile
In General Info, select "View Profile" to see what the profile looks like. This will appear in a new browser tab.
Tab Settings
General Info Tab – Some Fields Required
First name, last name, e-mail, and primary phone are required fields for all users. In addition, department Chairs require faculty to include office address, personal statement, teaching, education, and selected publications. CV files are optional.
IMPORTANT: Select on the “Save General Info” button at the bottom of the page after making changes to these fields. Be sure to save approximately every 10 minutes so you do not lose your work.
Adding a CV file
- Select "Choose File" to upload your CV.
- Highlight your CV (PDF file less than 10MB) and select "Open".
- Select "Attach CV" to upload the CV to the form.
- You must click "Save General Info" to save the file that you are attaching.
Changing or Removing a CV file
- Select "A CV is Attached. Change File?" to change your current CV. Follow the "Adding a CV File" steps above.
- To completely remove any CV file from appearing on your profile, please contact to remove all references to a CV file associated with your profile.
Title(s)/Affiliation(s) Tab – Field Required
At least one position is required. If you do not add a position, you will not appear in the Directory listings.
Creating a New Position
- Select “Add New Position” to create a new position.
- Fill in all fields:
- Display Order – The numeric order that your list of titles will appear.
- Title – The name of your position.
- Affiliation – The department or affiliation associated with this position. If your affiliation does not appear in the menu, select “Other Affiliation”. You will be prompted to specify the name of the other affiliation.
- Role – The role associated with this position. If your position is not associated with Pitt Public Health, select “External” as the role.
- Select "Add" to finish creating the position.
Editing a Position
Editing a position is similar to adding a position. Select “Edit” to update the fields. Titles are organized by Display Order. If you change the Display Order in one position, you must update the order of the other positions as well to get your positions to appear in the proper order. When finished, select “Update” to save your changes.
Removing a Position
Select “Delete” and confirm that you want to delete this position. This is irreversable so please be sure that you wish to delete this position. If needed, update the Display Order of your other positions.
Additional Sections – Optional Fields
Use “Additional Sections” to customize your profile. In addition to the standard sections listed under the “General Info” tab, you have the ability to create your own sections (e.g. Research Interests, Grants, or Professional Affiliations). Additional sections can be reorganized using the Display Order. However, all additional sections will be inserted into your profile just above “Selected Publications” on your profile page.
Create a New Section
- Select “Add New Section” to begin
- Fill in all fields:
- Display Order – The numeric order that your list of titles will appear.
- Section Title – The heading title of the section.
- Section Text – Paragraph text for the section.
- Select “Add” to finish creating this position
Edit an Additional Section
Editing a section is similar to adding a new section. Select “Edit” to update the fields. Titles are organized by Display Order. If you change the Display Order in one section, you must update the order of the other sections as well to get your section to appear in the proper order. When finished, select “Update” to save your changes.
Removing an Additional Section
Select “Delete” and confirm that you want to delete this section. This is irreversible so please be sure that you wish to delete this section. If needed, update the Display Order of your other positions.
Tip: When copying and pasting into text editor fields, use the Clipboard icon to “Paste as Plain Text” to avoid other formatting issues.
Add or Remove Your Assistant(s) – Optional Fields
Adding an Assistant
- Find someone by searching for their first name, last name, e-mail, or username. The search does not search on full name.
- Select “Search”.
- Select “Add” to add this person to your Assistants list.
Removing an Assistant
Next to the name of the person you want to remove, select “Remove”.
Add or Remove Your Delegate(s) – Optional Fields
Adding a Delegate
- Find someone by searching for their first name, last name, e-mail, or username. The search does not search on full name.
- Select “Search”.
- Select “Add” to add this person to your Delegates list.
Removing a Delegate
Next to the name of the person you want to remove, select “Remove”.