To create a new Adobe Action to remove PDF/A formatting information and save the file as an Adobe PDF follow the instructions below.  If you would prefer to import the Action into Adobe Acrobat, use the file attached and follow the instructions in the article DO - Adobe Acrobat - Import Actions.

  1. Choose “Tools” > “Action Wizard” 
  2. Click “New Action” to open the “Create New Action Wizard” box. 
  3. In the left column, expand “Document Processing” 
  4. Click “Preflight” from the left column and (if it isn’t automatically added to the right column) click the “plus/arrow” button between the two columns to add it to the Action Steps in the right column. If you accidentally add two Actions, highlight one and click the trash icon to remove one. 
  5. In the right column, highlight “Preflight”. 
  6. If “Prompt User” appears, uncheck the box. Then click “Specify Settings”. 
  7. In the “Run preflight check using:” dropdown, select “Remove PDF/A information”. Then click “Save” to save and close the Settings box. 
  8. In the left column, minimize “Document Processing” and expand “Save & Export”. 
  9. Click “Save” from the left column and (if it isn’t automatically added to the right column) click the plus/arrow button between the two columns to add it to the Action Steps in the right column. If you accidentally add two Actions, highlight one and click the trash icon to remove one. 
  10. In the right column, highlight “Save”. 
  11. If “Prompt User” appears, uncheck the box. Then click “Specify Settings”. 
  12. Under “File Name”, check “Keep Original File Names” 
  13. In “Output Format”, check “Save File(s) As Adobe PDF” 
  14. Click “OK” to close the “Output Options” box. 
  15. Click “Save” at the bottom to save the new Action. 
  16. Give the Action a name and description: 
    1. Action Name: “Remove PDF/A Formatting”. 
    2. Action Description: “Remove PDF/A information from files and save as Adobe PDF.” 
  17. Click “Save” to finish creating the Action. You should see the new Action in your Actions List.