To prepare the files for use on our website, follow the instructions below.  If you do not have the Adobe actions for this process installed please see the articles DO - CEP - Create “Remove PDF/A Formatting” Action and  DO - CEP - Create “Prevent Printing Security” Action

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat
  2. Choose “Tools” > “Action Wizard” 
  3. Under “Action List”, click the “Remove PDF/A Formatting” Action 
  4. Change the “Add Files..” button to “Add Folder…” and a “Browse For Folder” box will open 
  5. Select the folder containing the PDF files and click “OK”. A list of the files will appear in the “Files to be Processed:” pane. 
  6. Click “Start” to begin. The Action will run. 
  7. After completion, close the Action. If prompted about quitting the Action, click “Yes” to proceed. 
  8. Repeat steps 2-6 for the “Prevent Printing Security” 
  9. Now all PDF files in that folder have security settings that do not allow printing.